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When it comes to deciding on which colour palette to apply for the wedding day, a bride should always start with her own colour tones and what suits her best, along with the colour tones of the season and her surroundings on the day.  It is important that she consider the colours that will be of major focus on the day along with the colours that compliment and highlight her features best.

Determine what tone you are

When it comes to any kind of makeup, not just bridal makeup, a woman should know what colours suit her best, which ones suit her skin tone and make her eyes stand out. This is a question of knowing whether a person is warm or cool toned.  If you are unsure of which colours suit you, try putting up different shades of colours that you may have in your bridal makeup against your face. Smart choices will be those ones that bring out your eyes and highlight the skin.

Handy Hint:
Don’t know whether you are warm or cool toned? Simply hold up silver and gold fabrics next to your face and see which one compliments you best. The one that suits should make your skin glow, bring out the colour of your eyes and highlight the colours of your skin whereas the wrong tone will make you appear sallow and colourless.  

Consider the season in which you are getting married

While colours in your makeup palette should always fall into either “warm” or “cool” shades, this can actually cover a great many different shades so to further narrow down your possible colour palette, take note of the season and your weddings surroundings.  If marrying in autumn then golds or bronzes are a popular choice while winter lends itself to blues and purples.

Match the formality of the event

The overall formality of the wedding and the style theme should also play a significant role in deciding on which colours to wear as part of your bridal makeup. For example a bride that is opting for a relaxed garden wedding would be better suited wearing natural tones and lighter makeup, while a formal wedding will traditionally have heavier eye makeup and stronger lip colours.

Cool Tone Makeup

Brides that have cool tones will suit colours that fall into the blue and purple categories along with pinks, some reds and silver.  

Skin – foundations and concealer should be ivory or rose based  

Eyes – blues, some browns, purples, some pinks, vanilla shades such as ivory with black mascara is best. Smoky eyes are perfect for a cool tone.   

Lips – everything from bold cherry reds to soft pinks can suit a cool tone, yet some browns can flatten their face so choice of a natural lip colour should lean more towards pinks and rose shades.  

Cheeks – rose blush shades

Warm Tone Makeup

Brides with warm tones are well suited to the follow colours: warms browns, orange, peach, coral, yellows, some greens, reds, bronze and gold.  Warm brides look stunning in both natural and neutral tones and are well suited to outdoor, garden style makeup with natural tones.  

Skin – beige- or yellow-based foundations and concealer are best suited for a warm tone 

Eyes –  shades of green (deep mossy greens to lighter “apple” shades), warm oranges, burnt orange and reds, all shades of brown, peach, coral, navy shades.  Black/brown mascara and eyeliner is best.  

Lips – warm browns, muddy reds or metallic bronzes and gold but for bolder colours warm tones can wear dark reds or burnt orange 

Cheeks – peach or coral blush shades are best for a warm tone or even gold-based blushes.

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